Reply To: Mindset and Motivation for Success, Optimize Schedule Like A Boss

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– Week 1 –

What possessed you to want to join this mentorship program?

I want to be able to make a living running an online business. Have the opportunity and flexibility to travel and still maintain my work schedule, make a comfortable yearly income (six figures, minimum), and be able to provide for my future family.

What do you think is realistic to get out of this 16-week program?

Gain all the information and knowledge needed to grow my business and start making significant income. Six figures in one year from online training, nutrition, and eBook sales is the first goal, right off the bat. There’s no reason to set a limit upon yourself, when others are doing this exact same thing. My goal is to raise the bar and surpass all expectations.

Goals have to be:

S – Specific – 6 months, minimum.

M – Measureable – Keep tabs on income and sales weekly/monthly.

A – Achievable – With the guidance we have in this mentorship program, there is no doubt I will achieve these goals.

R – Realistic – Be realistic, but don’t be afraid to think outside of the box.

T – Time Oriented