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Showing 28-36 of 80 results
Take Everything You Have Learned & Monetize It
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Take Everything You Have Learned & Monetize It

August 15, 2018 / No Comments

INTRODUCTION If you are unable to tell people exactly what you do as a business, how do you expect others to know? When looking to attract consumers, clearly defining who you are and what you do exactly is foremost as…

Renaissance Woman: Redefining the World of Fitness Entrepreneurship
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Renaissance Woman: Redefining the World of Fitness Entrepreneurship

August 15, 2018 / No Comments

INTRODUCTION Fiercely successful competitor and entrepreneur, Ashley Horner, has accomplished quite a bit in such a short time. Becoming a sponsored athlete, WBFF and Triathlon athlete, and very financially successful online trainer are but a few of her accolades….

Effective Communications
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Effective Communications

August 15, 2018 / No Comments

INTRODUCTION The way others perceive you impacts your success. Whether it’s a client, boss, media, customer, or casting director, other people make decisions based on their perception of you, which will impact your bottom line. In any industry, you have…

Business: The Basics – Incorporation, Bookkeeping, Tax Deductions
(0 vote)

Business: The Basics – Incorporation, Bookkeeping, Tax Deductions

August 15, 2018 / No Comments

INTRODUCTION Taxes. No one likes them but we all have to do them. This business lecture defines the concept of incorporation and demonstrates the tax advantages of it. Even if a talent is participating in fitness ventures simply as a…

Image Rights & Copyright Protection: The Photographer & Client’s Perspective
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Image Rights & Copyright Protection: The Photographer & Client’s Perspective

August 15, 2018 / No Comments

INTRODUCTION This presentation is dedicated to the subject of intellectual property, specifically photography copyrights. Applicable skills are vital to have success in any industry. However, along with the specific skills needed to be in media, a basic understanding of business…

Branding & Hosting: Marketing & Personalizing Your Brand
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Branding & Hosting: Marketing & Personalizing Your Brand

August 15, 2018 / No Comments

INTRODUCTION The ability to speak clearly, concisely, and confidently is an additional marketing advantage one can have over their potential competitor. As the FMI production has grown, so has the ability to explore new skills sets. Veteran Host and Athlete,…

Business Insurance
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Business Insurance

August 15, 2018 / No Comments

INTRODUCTION Plan on doing business on the internet? What kind of protection and recourse do you have if you give advice for sale or if someone slanders you or your business? Business insurance expert Alexandra Leone walks us through an…

From The Editor: Submissions That Work!
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From The Editor: Submissions That Work!

August 15, 2018 / No Comments

INTRODUCTION There is only one shot to make a first impression. The adage is never more true when it comes to magazine submissions. Many model and contributor submissions are rejected simply in part that the talent failed to market themselves…


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